Friday 15 October 2010

Changes to the nature of Diplomacy


Diplomacy is known to be concerned with the management of the relations between states and between States and other actors. [Barston R.P, 2006, 1]. I didn't know the definition of Diplomacy before my first lecture on the 8th of October, 2010; neither did I know the distinction between the Old and New Diplomacy. Having done some readings on the subject, I have learnt a few things about the Old and New Diplomacy; more emphasis will be laid on a particular form of New Diplomacy, which is Open Diplomacy. Significant change occurred in the Diplomatic environment when after the World War 1, President Woodrow Wilson during his peace settlement speech, specifically on the fourteen-point plan; called for the abolition of Secret Diplomacy. [Gaddis .J.L, 1997,

Open Diplomacy on the other hand; which is what has changed in diplomacy, that is since the New Diplomacy came into being, is the use of open negotiations, to uphold peace or cooperation amongst international communities. There are two features to Open Diplomacy; First, the rejection of the conclusion of Secret Diplomacy.

Second, the conduction of diplomatic talks in full public glare. [Chatterjee A., 78, 2010]. This has been effective especially in the 21st century as countries have encouraged State to State relation by building embassies in various countries. Examples of the effectiveness of Open Diplomacy is could be the end of the Apartheid regime in South Africa and the Subsequent release of the former President, Nelson Mandela, the recent agreement to release more Cuban political prisoners, brokered by the Roman Catholic Church in Cuba. [CNN Online]. Nevertheless, as the saying goes, to every advantage there are disadvantages, the disadvantages of the Open Diplomacy to the world is too much, one could be right to say that the Peace talks between Israel and Palestine has not been that successful as it is negotiated openly. Even experts like Frankel and others have questioned whether it is possible in reality to go for Open Diplomacy. [Chatterjee A., 78, 2010].

In conclusion, using the words of Lord Grey of Falloden "very often at the early stage of negotiations, to make a premature disclosure would result in the other power desiring to break off negotiations altogether". [Emden C.S, 253, 2006].Therefore, until diplomacy goes back into privacy, where there will be again the freedom to engage in the give-and-take that is necessary for any agreement, its success will continue to be negligible. [Singh N., 208, 2002].









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